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Faculty's Guide to Concourse

How to see all of your current courses in Concourse

Once you click the Concourse Syllabus link in each of your classes (which activates the syllabus for that section), it is possible to access all of your current syllabi in Concourse from one place. Here's how:

1. In any class, click the Concourse Syllabus link in the Course Navigation menu. The syllabus for that class displays. Now, click the Concourse logo at the top of the screen as illustrated below.  

screen shot of Concourse logo location

2. A new page will display - Current Courses - and you will see a box for each of your classes. Click a class title to view and edit that syllabus.

screen shot of the Current Courses page in Concourse

NOTE: Don't worry about the "Audit Status: In Progress" message. That message is not alerting you to anything you need to do nor is it saying that your syllabus itself is "In Progress."