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The Center for Learning Culture at St. Johns River State College

Faculty's Guide to Concourse

Concourse Syllabus

What is Concourse?

Concourse is SJR State's syllabus management platform. Concourse is integrated into Canvas so faculty have quick access from a place we're all familiar with instead of having to bookmark and sign into yet another web site :) 

Concourse makes syllabi available to potential students as required by statute in a way that protects instructors' contact information, doesn't require early course access, and other cool stuff. But the best thing about Concourse is how easy it makes it to update your syllabi, tick all the boxes (many of the boxes are already filled in!), and have all your syllabi meet accessibility requirements!  

How To Access Concourse

Within a Canvas course, click the Concourse Syllabus link on the Course Navigation menu.

screen shot of Concourse Syllabus link in Navigation Menu

Don't see the link? Enable Concourse Syllabus under Settings - Navigation so the link appears on the Course Navigation menu. 

The Center is an initiative of the Learning Culture & Innovation department.