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The Center for Learning Culture at St. Johns River State College

(Why We Should) Mind the Gap! Equity in Learning and Success

(Why We Should) Mind the Gap! Equity in Learning and Success

Of the nearly 1,000 institutions in the US categorized as community colleges, SJR State was recently named to the Top 150 by the Aspen Institute, so we are clearly doing many things right. But when our student data is disaggregated by socioeconomic status, age, gender, and race/ethnicity, long-time gaps in student learning and success become obvious. In this presentation, we will dig into our data--both the successes and the ongoing challenges; consider the data relative to the success of other institutions in Florida and nationwide; discuss best practices proven to bridge these gaps; and together begin developing an action plan for SJR State. Once you see the data for yourself, I am confident that you, too, will mind the gap!

Presenter: Dr. Melanie Brown, Chief Operating Officer

Room S-207

Session 4

The Center is an initiative of the Learning Culture & Innovation department.