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The Center for Learning Culture at St. Johns River State College

Empowering Futures: Nurturing Success in Dual Enrollment Students

Empowering Futures: Nurturing Success in Dual Enrollment Students

Join us for an insightful presentation that delves into the crucial topic of empowering dual enrollment students for a successful academic and professional journey. Discover the pivotal role of mentorship, guidance, and holistic support in fostering a conducive environment for dual enrollment students to thrive academically and personally. Gain valuable insights into the effective practices that enable these students to seamlessly transition from high school to college and beyond, equipping them with the necessary tools and skills for a bright and promising future. Together, let's pave the way for a generation of empowered, resilient, and successful dual enrollment students, poised to make a significant impact in their communities and beyond.

Presenters: Renee Ruffalo, Marsha Smith, Marta Clinger, Tamara Bement and Michele Menadue, Dual Enrollment

Room T-208

Session 4

The Center is an initiative of the Learning Culture & Innovation department.