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The Center for Learning Culture at St. Johns River State College

4-8. Using the FRS to Plan for Your Retirement - Part 2 of 2

Session Information

Part 2 of 2: Using the FRS to Plan for Your Retirement

This two-part retirement planning workshop will provide an overview of the FRS and help you understand the nuts and bolts of planning for your retirement. The workshop will demonstrate how everyday living expenses and inflation dramatically reduce your fixed retirement income. You will see the role the FRS Retirement Plans play in meeting your financial goals as well as the income gap that must be made up through saving and investing. You will leave the workshop with a full understanding of the ongoing financial planning resources available to you as a member of the FRS. Key topics include: FRS Pension Plan including DROP; FRS Investment Plan; 2nd Election; 6 Step Retirement Planning Process; Learn about other retirement income sources; Social Security; the importance of Saving Early; and Deferred Compensation and 403(b) IRAs. 

*Attendees should plan to attend this session for both Sessions 3 and 4.

Presenter: Dan Grable, FRS

Webinar / Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 966 8522 0882

Password: FRS

The Center is an initiative of the Learning Culture & Innovation department.