If you have any questions about Brainfuse, please feel free to reach out to the Learning Resources' faculty and staff!
Brainfuse is based in NYC and for over a decade, has helped and provided virtual learning solutions for schools, libraries, colleges, and universities. As the company explains, "Our philosophy is anchored in adherence to high standards and user-centered technology to build a better educational experience for learners of diverse backgrounds. Brainfuse helps students reach their goals by connecting them with qualified eTutors anytime, anywhere. Users can also initiate and organize meetings for peer-to-peer learning. The Brainfuse platform gives power to students to manage outcomes better by seamlessly integrating the latest online technology."
Brainfuse has replaced Tutor.com as SJR State’s online tutoring service. This service is free to students. Faculty and students can access Brainfuse by clicking the "Brainfuse Online Tutoring" link from the Course Navigation menu within Canvas or from the Learning Resources Tutoring Website.
To access the Faculty Dashboard, faculty should use the "Brainfuse Online Tutoring" link from the Course Navigation menu within Canvas.